8.7. vantage6.common#
Common functionality used in multiple vantage6 components.
Convert base64 encoded string to bytes. |
Convert bytes into base64 encoded string. |
Check if the user has write permissions to create the configuration file. |
Print a debug message to the CLI. |
Print a message to the CLI. |
Print an error message to the CLI. |
Creates random api_key using uuid. |
Get the path to the configuration directory. |
Get database configuration from config file |
Print an info message to the CLI. |
Test if input IP address is a valid IP address |
Return the name of the logger. |
Get details (user, pass, host, vhost, port) from a RabbitMQ uri. |
Print a warning message to the CLI. |
"Logs output to the click interface. |
Singleton metaclass. |
Data-class to store Authenticatable information in. |
Encryption between organizations |