5.2. Algorithm development step-by-step guide#

This page offers a step-by-step guide to develop a vantage6 algorithm. We refer to the algorithm concepts section regularly. In that section, we explain the fundamentals of algorithm containers in more detail than in this guide.

Also, note that this guide is mainly aimed at developers who want to develop their algorithm in Python, although we will try to clearly indicate where this differs from algorithms written in other languages.

5.2.1. Starting point#

When starting to develop a new vantage6 algorithm in Python, the easiest way to start is:

v6 algorithm create

Running this command will prompt you to answering some questions, which will result in a personalized starting point or ‘boilerplate’ for your algorithm. After doing so, you will have a new folder with the name of your algorithm, boilerplate code and a checklist in the README.md file that you can follow to complete your algorithm.


There is also a boilerplate for R, but this is not flexible and it is not updated as frequently as the Python boilerplate.

5.2.2. Setting up your environment#

It is good practice to set up a virtual environment for your algorithm package.

# This code is just a suggestion - there are many ways of doing this.

# go to the algorithm directory
cd /path/to/algorithm

# create a Python environment. Be sure to replace <my-algorithm-env> with
# the name of your environment.
conda create -n <my-algorithm-env> python=3.10
conda activate <my-algorithm-env>

# install the algorithm dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

Also, it is always good to use a version control system such as git to keep track of your changes. An initial commit of the boilerplate code could be:

cd /path/to/algorithm
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Note that having your code in a git repository is necessary if you want to update your algorithm.

5.2.3. Implementing your algorithm#

Your personalized starting point should make clear to you which functions you need to implement - there are TODO comments in the code that indicate where you need to add your own code.

You may wonder why the boilerplate code is structured the way it is. This is explained in the code structure section.

5.2.4. Environment variables#

The algorithms have access to several environment variables. You can also specify additional environment variables via the algorithm_env option in the node configuration files (see the example node configuration file).

Environment variables provided by the vantage6 infrastructure are used to locate certain files or to add local configuration settings into the container. These are usually used in the Python wrapper and you don’t normally need them in your functions. However, you can access them in your functions as follows:

def my_function():
    # environment variable that specifies the input file
    input_file = os.environ["INPUT_FILE"]
    # environment variable that specifies the database URI for the database with
    # the 'default' label
    default_database_uri = os.environ["DEFAULT_DATABASE_URI"]

    # do something with the input file and database URI

The environment variables that you specify in the node configuration file can be used in the exact same manner. You can view all environment variables that are available to your algorithm by print(os.environ).

5.2.5. Returning results#

Returning the results of you algorithm is rather straightforward. At the end of your algorithm function, you can simply return the results as a dictionary:

def my_function(column_name: str):
    return {
        "result": 42

These results will be returned to the user after the algorithm has finished.


The results that you return should be JSON serializable. This means that you cannot, for example, return a pandas.DataFrame or a numpy.ndarray (such objects may not be readable to a non-Python using recipient or may even be insecure to send over the internet). They should be converted to a JSON-serializable format first.

5.2.6. Example functions#

Just an example of how you can implement your algorithm:

Central function#

from vantage6.algorithm.tools.decorators import algorithm_client
from vantage6.algorithm.client import AlgorithmClient
# info and error can be used to log algorithm events
from vantage6.algorithm.tools.util import info, error

 def main(client: AlgorithmClient, *args, **kwargs):
    # Run partial function.
    task = client.task.create(
          # Method name should match the name of the partial function used/created
          "method": "my_partial_function",
          "args": args,
          "kwargs": kwargs
       organizations=[1, 2]

     # wait for the federated part to complete
     # and return
     results = client.wait_for_results(task_id=tesk.get("id"))

     return results

Partial function#

import pandas as pd
from vantage6.algorithm.tools.decorators import data

def my_partial_function(data: pd.DataFrame, column_name: str):
    # do something with the data
    data[column_name] = data[column_name] + 1

    # return the results
    return {
        "result": sum(data[colum_name].to_list())

5.2.7. Testing your algorithm#

It can be helpful to test your algorithm outside of Docker using the MockAlgorithmClient. This may save time as it does not require you to set up a test infrastructure with a vantage6 server and nodes, and allows you to test your algorithm without building a Docker image every time. The algorithm boilerplate code comes with a test file that you can use to test your algorithm using the MockAlgorithmClient - you can of course extend that to add more or different tests.

The MockAlgorithmClient has the same interface as the AlgorithmClient, so it should be easy to switch between the two. An example of how you can use the MockAlgorithmClient to test your algorithm is included in the boilerplate code.

5.2.8. Writing documentation#

It is important that you add documentation of your algorithm so that users know how to use it. In principle, you may choose any format of documentation, and you may choose to host it anywhere you like. However, in our experience it works well to keep your documentation close to your code. We recommend using the readthedocs platform to host your documentation. Alternatively, you could use a README file in the root of your algorithm directory - if the documentation is not too extensive, this may be sufficient.


We intend to provide a template for the documentation of algorithms in the future. This template will be based on the readthedocs platform.

5.2.9. Package & distribute#

The algorithm boilerplate comes with a Dockerfile that is a blueprint for creating a Docker image of your algorithm. This Docker image is the package that you will distribute to the nodes.

If you go to the folder containing your algorithm, you will also find the Dockerfile there, immediately at the top directory. You can then build the project as follows:

docker build -t repo/image:tag .

The -t indicated the name of your image. This name is also used as reference where the image is located on the internet. Once the Docker image is created it needs to be uploaded to a registry so that nodes can retrieve it, which you can do by pushing the image:

docker push repo/image:tag

Here are a few examples of how to build and upload your image:

# Build and upload to Docker Hub. Replace <my-user-name> with your Docker
# Hub username and make sure you are logged in with ``docker login``.
docker build -t my-user-name/algorithm-example:latest .
docker push my-user-name/algorithm-example:latest

# Build and upload to private registry. Here you don't need to provide
# a username but you should write out the full image URL. Also, again you
# need to be logged in with ``docker login``.
docker build -t harbor2.vantage6.ai/PROJECT/algorithm-example:latest .
docker push harbor2.vantage6.ai/PROJECT/algorithm-example:latest

Now that your algorithm has been uploaded it is available for nodes to retrieve when they need it.

5.2.10. Calling your algorithm from vantage6#

If you want to test your algorithm in the context of vantage6, you should set up a vantage6 infrastructure. You should create a server and at least one node (depending on your algorithm you may need more). Follow the instructions in the Server admin guide and Node admin guide to set up your infrastructure. If you are running them on the same machine, take care to provide the node with the proper address of the server as detailed here.

Once your infrastructure is set up, you can create a task for your algorithm. You can do this either via the UI or via the Python client.

5.2.11. Updating your algorithm#

At some point, there may be changes in the vantage6 infrastructure that require you to update your algorithm. Such changes are made available via the v6 algorithm update command. This command will update your algorithm to the latest version of the vantage6 infrastructure.

You can also use the v6 algorithm update command to update your algorithm if you want to modify your answers to the questionnaire. In that case, you should be sure to commit the changes in git before running the command.