8.4.2. vantage6.algorithm.tools.exceptions#
Generic exception raised when an algorithm fails. |
Raised when algorithm function fails. |
Generic error raised when algorithm initialization fails. |
Raised when the algorithm module is not found. |
Generic error raised when an algorithm fails at runtime. |
Generic error raised when call to the algorithm client fails. |
Raised when organization collection fails. |
Raised when result collection fails. |
Raised when the algorithm fails to converge. |
Generic error raised with data handling. |
Raised when data reading fails. |
Raised when data type is invalid. |
Raised when result deserialization fails. |
alias of |
Error raised when environment variable handling fails. |
Raised when environment variable is not found. |
Generic error raised with algorithm input handling. |
Raised when the maximum number of iterations is reached. |
Raised when the algorithm method is not found. |
Generic error raised when the node does not allow the computation of a certain request. |
Raised when privacy threshold is violated. |
Generic exception raised for data privacy concerns. |
Raised when subtask creation fails. |
Raised when user input is invalid. |