8.4.7. vantage6.algorithm.tools.wrappers#

This module contains algorithm wrappers. These wrappers are used to provide different data adapters to the algorithms. This way we ony need to write the algorithm once and can use it with different data adapters.

Currently the following wrappers are available:
  • DockerWrapper (= CSVWrapper)

  • SparqlDockerWrapper

  • ParquetWrapper

  • SQLWrapper

  • ExcelWrapper

When writing the Docker file for the algorithm, the correct wrapper will automatically be selected based on the database type. The database type is set by the vantage6 node based on its configuration file.


get_column_names(database_uri[, db_type, ...])

Get the column names of dataframe that will be loaded into an algorithm


Load the local privacy-sensitive data from the database.

load_data(database_uri[, db_type, query, ...])

Read data from database and give it back to the algorithm.

load_excel_data(database_uri[, sheet_name])

Load the local privacy-sensitive data from the database.


Load the local privacy-sensitive data from the database.

load_sparql_data(database_uri, query)

Load the local privacy-sensitive data from the database.

load_sql_data(database_uri, query)

Load the local privacy-sensitive data from the database.



Enum for the different database types.