5.4. Server#

The server has a central function in the vantage6 architecture. It stores in the database which organizations, collaborations, users, etc. exist. It allows the users and nodes to authenticate and subsequently interact through the API the server hosts. Finally, it also communicates with authenticated nodes and users via the socketIO server that is run here.

5.4.1. Main server class#

class ServerApp(ctx)#

Vantage6 server instance.


ctx (ServerContext) – Context object that contains the configuration of the server.


Define global API output and its structure.


Configure the Flask settings of the vantage6 server.


Configure JWT authentication.

static configure_logging()#

Set third party loggers to a warning level


Import the modules containing API resources.


Start the server.

Before server is really started, some database settings are checked and (re)set where appropriate.

5.4.2. Starting the server#

run_server(config, environment='prod', system_folders=True)#

Run a vantage6 server.

  • config (str) – Configuration file path

  • environment (str) – Configuration environment to use.

  • system_folders (bool) – Whether to use system or user folders. Default is True.


A running instance of the vantage6 server

Return type:



Note that the run_server function is normally not used directly to start the server, but is used as utility function in places that start the server. The recommended way to start a server is using uWSGI as is done in vserver start.

run_dev_server(server_app, *args, **kwargs)#

Run a vantage6 development server (outside of a Docker container).


server_app (ServerApp) – Instance of a vantage6 server

Return type:


5.4.3. Permission management#

class Scope(value)#

Enumerator of all available scopes

GLOBAL = 'glo'#
OWN = 'own'#
class Operation(value)#

Enumerator of all available operations

CREATE = 'c'#
DELETE = 'd'#
EDIT = 'e'#
VIEW = 'v'#
class RuleCollection(name)#

Class that tracks a set of all rules for a certain resource name


name (str) – Name of the resource endpoint (e.g. node, organization, user)

add(scope, operation)#

Add a rule to the rule collection

  • scope (Scope) – Scope within which to apply the rule

  • operation (Operation) – What operation the rule applies to

Return type:


class PermissionManager#

Loads the permissions and syncs rules in database with rules defined in the code


Add a module’s rules to the rule collection


name (str) – The name of the module whose rules are to be registered


A callable register_rule function

Return type:


assign_rule_to_container(resource, scope, operation)#

Assign a rule to the container role.

  • resource (str) – Resource that the rule applies to

  • scope (Scope) – Scope that the rule applies to

  • operation (Operation) – Operation that the rule applies to

Return type:


static assign_rule_to_fixed_role(fixedrole, resource, scope, operation)#

Attach a rule to a fixed role (not adjustable by users).

  • fixedrole (str) – Name of the fixed role that the rule should be added to

  • resource (str) – Resource that the rule applies to

  • scope (Scope) – Scope that the rule applies to

  • operation (Operation) – Operation that the rule applies to

Return type:


assign_rule_to_node(resource, scope, operation)#

Assign a rule to the Node role.

  • resource (str) – Resource that the rule applies to

  • scope (Scope) – Scope that the rule applies to

  • operation (Operation) – Operation that the rule applies to

Return type:


assign_rule_to_root(name, scope, operation)#

Assign a rule to the root role.

Return type:


resource: str

Resource that the rule applies to

scope: Scope

Scope that the rule applies to

operation: Operation

Operation that the rule applies to


Get a RuleCollection object. If it doesn’t exist yet, it will be created.


name (str) – Name of the module whose RuleCollection is to be obtained or created


The collection of rules belonging to the module name

Return type:



Collect all permission rules from all registered API resources

Return type:


register_rule(resource, scope, operation, description=None, assign_to_node=False, assign_to_container=False)#

Register a permission rule in the database.

If a rule already exists, nothing is done. This rule can be used in API endpoints to determine if a user, node or container can do a certain operation in a certain scope.

  • resource (str) – API resource that the rule applies to

  • scope (Scope) – Scope of the rule

  • operation (Operation) – Operation of the rule

  • description (String, optional) – Human readable description where the rule is used for, by default None

  • assign_to_node (bool, optional) – Whether rule should be assigned to the node role or not. Default False

  • assign_to_container (bool, optional) – Whether rule should be assigned to the container role or not. Default False

Return type:


static rule_exists_in_db(name, scope, operation)#

Check if the rule exists in the DB.

  • name (str) – Name of the rule

  • scope (Scope) – Scope of the rule

  • operation (Operation) – Operation of the rule


Whenever this rule exists in the database or not

Return type:


static verify_user_rules(rules)#

Check if an user, node or container has all the rules


rules (List[Rule]) – List of rules that user is checked to have


False if user has all rules, else a dict with a message

Return type:

Union[dict, bool]

5.4.4. Socket functionality#

class DefaultSocketNamespace(namespace=None)#

This is the default SocketIO namespace. It is used for all the long-running socket communication between the server and the clients. The clients of the socket connection are nodes and users.

When socket communication is received from one of the clients, the functions in this class are called to execute the corresponding action.


An algorithm container has changed its status. This status change may be that the algorithm has finished, crashed, etc. Here we notify the collaboration of the change.


data (Dict) –

Dictionary containing parameters on the updated algorithm status. It should look as follows:


# node_id where algorithm container was running “node_id”: 1, # new status of algorithm container “status”: “active”, # result_id for which the algorithm was running “result_id”: 1, # collaboration_id for which the algorithm was running “collaboration_id”: 1


Return type:



A new incoming connection request from a client.

New connections are authenticated using their JWT authorization token which is obtained from the REST API. A session is created for each connected client, and lives as long as the connection is active. Each client is assigned to rooms based on their permissions.

Nodes that are connecting are also set to status ‘online’.

Return type:



Note that reconnecting clients are treated the same as new clients.


Client that disconnects is removed from all rooms they were in.

If nodes disconnect, their status is also set to offline and users may be alerted to that. Also, any information on the node (e.g. configuration) is removed from the database.

Return type:



An receiving an error from a client, log it.


e (str) – Error message that is being displayed in the server log

Return type:



On receiving a message from a client, log it.


message (str) – Message that is going to be displayed in the server log

Return type:



A node sends information about its configuration and other properties. Store this in the database for the duration of the node’s session.


node_config (dict) – Dictionary containing the node’s configuration.

Return type:



A client sends a ping to the server. The server detects who sent the ping and sets them as online.

Return type:


5.4.5. API endpoints#


The API endpoints are also documented on the /apidocs endpoint of the server (e.g. https://petronas.vantage6.ai/apidocs). We are therefore not including the API documentation here. Instead, we merely list the supporting functions and classes.

5.4.6. SQLAlchemy models#

Helper (base) classes#

class Database(*args, **kwargs)#

Database class that is used to connect to the database and create the database session.

The database is created as a singleton, so that it can be destroyed (as opposed to a module). This is especially useful when creating unit tests in which we want fresh databases every now and then.

add_col_to_table(column, table_cls)#

Database operation to add column to Table

  • column (Column) – The SQLAlchemy model column that is to be added

  • table_cls (Table) – The SQLAlchemy table to which the column is to be added

Return type:



Check database tables to see if columns are missing that are described in the SQLAlchemy models, and add the missing columns

Return type:



Clear all data from the database.


Delete all tables and close the database connection. Only used for unit testing.

connect(uri='sqlite:////tmp/test.db', allow_drop_all=False)#

Connect to the database.

  • uri (str) – URI of the database. Defaults to a sqlite database in /tmp.

  • allow_drop_all (bool, optional) – If True, the database can be dropped. Defaults to False.


Drop all tables in the database.

get_non_existing_columns(table_cls, table_name)#

Return a list of columns that are defined in the SQLAlchemy model, but are not present in the database

  • table_cls (Table) – The table that is evaluated

  • table_name (str) – The name of the table


List of SQLAlchemy Column objects that are present in the model, but not in the database

Return type:


static is_column_missing(column, column_names, table_name)#

Check if column is missing in the table

  • column (Column) – The column that is evaluated

  • column_names (List[str]) – A list of all column names in the table

  • table_name (str) – The name of the table the column resides in


True if column is not in the table or a parent table

Return type:


class DatabaseSessionManager#

Class to manage DB sessions.

There are 2 different ways a session can be obtained. Either a session used within a request or a session used elsewhere (e.g. socketIO event, iPython or within the application itself).

In case of the Flask request, the session is stored in the flask global g. Then, it can be accessed in every endpoint.

In all other cases the session is attached to the db module.

static clear_session()#

Clear the session. If we are in a flask request, the session is cleared from the flask global g. Otherwise, the session is removed from the db module.

Return type:


static get_session()#

Get a session. Creates a new session if none exists.


A database session

Return type:


static in_flask_request()#

Check if we are in a flask request.


True if we are in a flask request, False otherwise

Return type:


static new_session()#

Create a new session. If we are in a flask request, the session is stored in the flask global g. Otherwise, the session is stored in the db module.

Return type:


class ModelBase#

Declarative base that defines default attributes. All data models inherit from this class.


Delete the object from the database.

Return type:


classmethod get(id_=None)#

Get a single object by its id, or a list of objects when no id is specified.


id (int, optional) – The id of the object to get. If not specified, return all.

classmethod help()#

Print a help message for the class.

Return type:



Save the object to the database.

Return type:


Database models for the API resources#

class AlgorithmPort(**kwargs)#

Table that describes which algorithms are reachable via which ports

Each algorithm with a VPN connection can claim multiple ports via the Dockerfile EXPOSE and LABEL commands. These claims are saved in this table. Each algorithm container belongs to a single Result.

  • port (int) – The port number that is claimed by the algorithm

  • result_id (int) – The id of the Result that this port belongs to

  • label (str) – The label that is claimed by the algorithm

  • result (Result) – The Result that this port belongs to

class Authenticatable(**kwargs)#

Parent table of database entities that can authenticate.

Entities that can authenticate are nodes and users. Containers can also authenticate but these are authenticated indirectly through the nodes.

static hash(secret)#

Hash a secret using bcrypt.


secret (str) – Secret to be hashed


Hashed secret

Return type:


class Collaboration(**kwargs)#

Table that describes which collaborations are available.

Collaborations are combinations of one or more organizations that do studies together. Each Organization has a Node for each collaboration that it is part of. Within a collaboration multiple Task can be executed.

  • name (str) – Name of the collaboration

  • encrypted (bool) – Whether the collaboration is encrypted or not

  • organizations (list[Organization]) – List of organizations that are part of this collaboration

  • nodes (list[Node]) – List of nodes that are part of this collaboration

  • tasks (list[Task]) – List of tasks that are part of this collaboration

classmethod find_by_name(name)#

Find Collaboration by its name.


If multiple collaborations share the same name, the first collaboration found is returned.


name (str) – Name of the collaboration


Collaboration with the given name, or None if no collaboration with the given name exists.

Return type:

Union[Collaboration, None]


Returns the node that is part of the given Organization.


organization (Organization) – Organization


Node for the given organization for this collaboration, or None if there is no node for the given organization.

Return type:

Union[Node, None]


Returns a subset of nodes that are part of the given organizations.


ids (list[int]) – List of organization ids


List of nodes that are part of the given organizations

Return type:



Returns a list of organization ids that are part of this collaboration.


List of organization ids

Return type:



Returns a list of task ids that are part of this collaboration.


List of task ids

Return type:


classmethod name_exists(name)#

Check if a collaboration with the given name exists.


name (str) – Name of the collaboration


True if a collaboration with the given name exists, else False

Return type:


class Node(**kwargs)#

Bases: Authenticatable

Table that contains all registered nodes.

  • id (int) – Primary key

  • name (str) – Name of the node

  • api_key (str) – API key of the node

  • collaboration (Collaboration) – Collaboration that the node belongs to

  • organization (Organization) – Organization that the node belongs to


Checks if the provided key matches the stored key.


key (str) – The key to check


True if the provided key matches the stored key, False otherwise

Return type:


classmethod exists(organization_id, collaboration_id)#

Check if a node exists for the given organization and collaboration.

  • organization_id (int) – The id of the organization

  • collaboration_id (int) – The id of the collaboration


True if a node exists for the given organization and collaboration, False otherwise.

Return type:


classmethod get_by_api_key(api_key)#

Returns Node based on the provided API key.


api_key (str) – The API key of the node to search for


Returns the node if a node is associated with api_key, None if no node is associated with api_key.

Return type:

Node | None

classmethod get_online_nodes()#

Return nodes that currently have status ‘online’


List of node models that are currently online

Return type:


class Organization(**kwargs)#

Table that describes which organizations are available.

An organization is the legal entity that plays a central role in managing distributed tasks. Each organization contains a public key which other organizations can use to send encrypted messages that only this organization can read.

  • name (str) – Name of the organization

  • domain (str) – Domain of the organization

  • address1 (str) – Address of the organization

  • address2 (str) – Address of the organization

  • zipcode (str) – Zipcode of the organization

  • country (str) – Country of the organization

  • _public_key (bytes) – Public key of the organization

  • collaborations (list[Collaboration]) – List of collaborations that this organization is part of

  • results (list[Result]) – List of results that are part of this organization

  • nodes (list[Node]) – List of nodes that are part of this organization

  • users (list[User]) – List of users that are part of this organization

  • created_tasks (list[Task]) – List of tasks that are created by this organization

  • roles (list[Role]) –

classmethod get_by_name(name)#

Returns the organization with the given name.


name (str) – Name of the organization


Organization with the given name if it exists, otherwise None

Return type:

Organization | None


Returns a list of result ids that are part of this organization.


List of result ids

Return type:



Returns the public key of the organization.


Public key of the organization. Empty string if no public key is set.

Return type:


class Result(**kwargs)#

Table that describes which results are available. A Result is the description of a Task as executed by a Node.

The result (and the input) is encrypted and can be only read by the intended receiver of the message.

  • input (str) – Input data of the task

  • task_id (int) – Id of the task that was executed

  • organization_id (int) – Id of the organization that executed the task

  • result (str) – Result of the task

  • assigned_at (datetime) – Time when the task was assigned to the node

  • started_at (datetime) – Time when the task was started

  • finished_at (datetime) – Time when the task was finished

  • status (str) – Status of the task

  • log (str) – Log of the task

  • task (Task) – Task that was executed

  • organization (Organization) – Organization that executed the task

  • ports (list[AlgorithmPort]) – List of ports that are part of this result


Returns whether the algorithm run has completed or not.


True if the algorithm run has completed, False otherwise.

Return type:


property node: Node#

Returns the node that is associated with this result.


The node that is associated with this result.

Return type:


class Role(**kwargs)#

Collection of Rules

  • name (str) – Name of the role

  • description (str) – Description of the role

  • organization_id (int) – Id of the organization this role belongs to

  • rules (List[Rule]) – List of rules that belong to this role

  • organization (Organization) – Organization this role belongs to

  • users (List[User]) – List of users that belong to this role

classmethod get_by_name(name)#

Get a role by its name.


name (str) – Name of the role


Role with the given name or None if no role with the given name exists

Return type:

Role | None

class Rule(**kwargs)#

Rules to determine permissions in an API endpoint.

A rule gives access to a single type of action with a given operation, scope and resource on which it acts. Note that rules are defined on startup of the server, based on permissions defined in the endpoints. You cannot edit the rules in the database.

  • name (str) – Name of the rule

  • operation (Operation) – Operation of the rule

  • scope (Scope) – Scope of the rule

  • description (str) – Description of the rule

  • roles (list[Role]) – Roles that have this rule

  • users (list[User]) – Users that have this rule

classmethod get_by_(name, scope, operation)#

Get a rule by its name, scope and operation.

  • name (str) – Name of the resource on which the rule acts, e.g. ‘node’

  • scope (str) – Scope of the rule, e.g. ‘organization’

  • operation (str) – Operation of the rule, e.g. ‘view’


Rule with the given name, scope and operation or None if no rule with the given name, scope and operation exists

Return type:

Rule | None

class Task(**kwargs)#

Table that describes all tasks.

A task can contain multiple Results for multiple organizations. The input of the task is different for each organization (due to the encryption). Therefore the input for the task is encrypted for each organization separately. The task originates from an organization to which the results need to be encrypted, therefore the originating organization is also logged

  • name (str) – Name of the task

  • description (str) – Description of the task

  • image (str) – Name of the docker image that needs to be executed

  • collaboration_id (int) – Id of the collaboration that this task belongs to

  • run_id (int) – Run id of the task

  • parent_id (int) – Id of the parent task (if any)

  • database (str) – Name of the database that needs to be used for this task

  • initiator_id (int) – Id of the organization that created this task

  • init_user_id (int) – Id of the user that created this task

  • collaboration (Collaboration) – Collaboration that this task belongs to

  • parent (Task) – Parent task (if any)

  • results (list[Result]) – List of results that are part of this task

  • initiator (Organization) – Organization that created this task

  • init_user (User) – User that created this task

classmethod next_run_id()#

Get the next available run id for a new task.


Next available run id

Return type:



Get all results for a given node.


node (model.node.Node) – Node for which to get the results


List of results for the given node

Return type:


class User(**kwargs)#

Bases: Authenticatable

Table to keep track of Users (persons) that can access the system.

Users always belong to an organization and can have certain rights within an organization.

  • username (str) – Username of the user

  • password (str) – Password of the user

  • firstname (str) – First name of the user

  • lastname (str) – Last name of the user

  • email (str) – Email address of the user

  • organization_id (int) – Foreign key to the organization to which the user belongs

  • failed_login_attempts (int) – Number of failed login attempts

  • last_login_attempt (datetime.datetime) – Date and time of the last login attempt

  • otp_secret (str) – Secret key for one time passwords

  • organization (Organization) – Organization to which the user belongs

  • roles (list[Role]) – Roles that the user has

  • rules (list[Rule]) – Rules that the user has

  • created_tasks (list[Task]) – Tasks that the user has created

can(resource, scope, operation)#

Check if user is allowed to execute a certain action

  • resource (str) – The resource type on which the action is to be performed

  • scope (Scope) – The scope within which the user wants to perform an action

  • operation (Operation) – The operation a user wants to execute


Whether or not user is allowed to execute the requested operation on the resource

Return type:



Check if the password is correct


pw (str) – Password to check


Whether or not the password is correct

Return type:


classmethod exists(field, value)#

Checks if user with certain key-value exists

  • field (str) – Name of the attribute to check

  • value (str) – Value of the attribute to check


Whether or not user with given key-value exists

Return type:


classmethod get_by_email(email)#

Get a user by their email


email (str) – Email of the user


User with the given email

Return type:



NoResultFound – If no user with the given email exists

classmethod get_by_username(username)#

Get a user by their username


username (str) – Username of the user


User with the given username

Return type:



NoResultFound – If no user with the given username exists

is_blocked(max_failed_attempts, inactivation_in_minutes)#

Check if user can login or if they are temporarily blocked because they entered a wrong password too often

  • max_failed_attempts (int) – Maximum number of attempts to login before temporary deactivation

  • inactivation_minutes (int) – How many minutes an account is deactivated

Return type:

Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]


  • bool – Whether or not user is blocked temporarily

  • str | None – Message if user is blocked, else None


Set the password of the current user. This function doesn’t save the new password to the database


pw (str) – The new password


If the new password fails to pass the checks, a message is returned. Else, none is returned

Return type:

str | None

classmethod username_exists(username)#

Checks if user with certain username exists


username (str) – Username to check


Whether or not user with given username exists

Return type:


5.4.7. Mail service#

class MailService(app, mail)#

Send emails from the service email account

  • app (flask.Flask) – The vantage6 flask application

  • mail (flask_mail.Mail) – An instance of the Flask mail class

send_email(subject, sender, recipients, text_body, html_body)#

Send an email.

This is used for service emails, e.g. to help users reset their password.

  • subject (str) – Subject of the email

  • sender (str) – Email address of the sender

  • recipients (List[str]) – List of email addresses of recipients

  • text_body (str) – Email body in plain text

  • html_body (str) – Email body in HTML

Return type:


5.4.8. Default roles#


Get a list containing the default roles and their rules, so that they may be created in the database


db – The vantage6.server.db module


A list with dictionaries that each describe one of the roles. Each role dictionary contains the following:

name: str

Name of the role

description: str

Description of the role

rules: List[int]

A list of rule id’s that the role contains

Return type:
