7.1. Node#
A node in its simplest would retrieve a task from the central server by an API call, run this task and finally return the results to the central server again.
The node application runs four threads:
- Main thread
Checks the task queue and run the next task if there is one available.
- Listening thread
Listens for incoming websocket messages. Among other functionality, it adds new tasks to the task queue.
- Speaking thread
Waits for tasks to finish. When they do, return the results to the central server.
- Proxy server thread
Algorithm containers are isolated from the internet for security reasons. The local proxy server provides an interface to the central server for algorithm containers to create subtasks and retrieve their results.
The node connects to the server using a websocket connection. This connection is mainly used for sharing status updates. This avoids the need for polling to see if there are new tasks available.
Below you will find the structure of the classes and functions that comprise the node. A few that we would like to highlight:
Node: the main class in a vantage6 node.
NodeContext and DockerNodeContext: classes that handle the node configuration. The latter inherits from the former and adds some properties for when the node runs in a docker container.
DockerManager: Manages the docker containers and networks of the vantage6 node.
DockerTaskManager: Start a docker container that runs an algorithm and manage its lifecycle.
VPNManager: Sets up the VPN connection (if it is configured) and manages it.
vnode-local commands: commands to run non-dockerized (development) instances of your nodes.
7.1.1. vantage6.node.Node#
- class Node(ctx)#
Authenticates to the central server, setup encryption, a websocket connection, retrieving task that were posted while offline, preparing dataset for usage and finally setup a local proxy server..
- Parameters:
ctx (NodeContext | DockerNodeContext) – Application context object.
- __listening_worker()#
Listen for incoming (websocket) messages from the server.
Runs in a separate thread. Received events are handled by the appropriate action handler.
- Return type:
- __proxy_server_worker()#
Proxy algorithm container communcation.
A proxy for communication between algorithms and central server.
- Return type:
- __speaking_worker()#
Sending messages to central server.
Routine that is in a seperate thread sending results to the server when they come available.
- Return type:
- __start_task(task_incl_run)#
Start the docker image and notify the server that the task has been started.
- Parameters:
task_incl_run (dict) – A dictionary with information required to run the algorithm
- Return type:
- authenticate()#
Authenticate with the server using the api-key from the configuration file. If the server rejects for any reason -other than a wrong API key- serveral attempts are taken to retry.
- Return type:
- connect_to_socket()#
Create long-lasting websocket connection with the server. The connection is used to receive status updates, such as new tasks.
- Return type:
- get_task_and_add_to_queue(task_id)#
Fetches (open) task with task_id from the server. The task_id is delivered by the websocket-connection.
- Parameters:
task_id (int) – Task identifier
- Return type:
- initialize()#
Initialization of the node
- Return type:
- kill_containers(kill_info)#
Kill containers on instruction from socket event
- Parameters:
kill_info (dict) – Dictionary received over websocket with instructions for which tasks to kill
- Returns:
List of dictionaries with information on killed task (keys: run_id, task_id and parent_id)
- Return type:
- private_key_filename()#
Get the path to the private key.
- Return type:
- run_forever()#
Keep checking queue for incoming tasks (and execute them).
- Return type:
- setup_encryption()#
Setup encryption if the node is part of encrypted collaboration
- Return type:
- setup_squid_proxy(isolated_network_mgr)#
Initiates a Squid proxy if configured in the config.yml
Expects the configuration in the following format:
whitelist: domains: - domain1 - domain2 ips: - ip1 - ip2 ports: - port1 - port2
- Parameters:
isolated_network_mgr (NetworkManager) – Network manager for isolated network
- Returns:
Squid proxy instance
- Return type:
- setup_ssh_tunnels(isolated_network_mgr)#
Create a SSH tunnels when they are defined in the configuration file. For each tunnel a new container is created. The image used can be specified in the configuration file as ssh-tunnel in the images section, else the default image is used.
- Parameters:
isolated_network_mgr (NetworkManager) – Manager for the isolated network
- Return type:
- setup_vpn_connection(isolated_network_mgr, ctx)#
Setup container which has a VPN connection
- Parameters:
isolated_network_mgr (NetworkManager) – Manager for the isolated Docker network
ctx (DockerNodeContext | NodeContext) – Context object for the node
- Returns:
Manages the VPN connection
- Return type:
Share part of the node’s configuration with the server.
This helps the other parties in a collaboration to see e.g. which algorithms they are allowed to run on this node.
- Return type:
- sync_task_queue_with_server()#
Get all unprocessed tasks from the server for this node.
- Return type:
- class DockerNodeContext(*args, **kwargs)#
Node context for the dockerized version of the node.
- static instance_folders(instance_type, instance_name, system_folders)#
Log, data and config folders are always mounted. The node manager should take care of this.
- set_folders(instance_type, instance_name, system_folders)#
In case of the dockerized version we do not want to use user specified directories within the container.
7.1.2. vantage6.node.docker.docker_base#
- class DockerBaseManager(isolated_network_mgr)#
Base class for docker-using classes. Contains simple methods that are used by multiple derived classes
- get_isolated_netw_ip(container)#
Get address of a container in the isolated network
- Parameters:
container (Container) – Docker container whose IP address should be obtained
- Returns:
IP address of a container in isolated network
- Return type:
7.1.3. vantage6.node.docker.docker_manager#
- class DockerManager(ctx, isolated_network_mgr, vpn_manager, tasks_dir, client, proxy=None)#
Wrapper for the docker-py module.
This class manages tasks related to Docker, such as logging in to docker registries, managing input/output files, logs etc. Results can be retrieved through get_result() which returns the first available algorithm result.
- cleanup()#
Stop all active tasks and delete the isolated network
Note: the temporary docker volumes are kept as they may still be used by a parent container
- Return type:
- cleanup_tasks()#
Stop all active tasks
- Returns:
List of information on tasks that have been killed
- Return type:
- create_volume(volume_name)#
Create a temporary volume for a single run.
A single run can consist of multiple algorithm containers. It is important to note that all algorithm containers having the same job_id have access to this container.
- Parameters:
volume_name (str) – Name of the volume to be created
- Return type:
- get_result()#
Returns the oldest (FIFO) finished docker container.
This is a blocking method until a finished container shows up. Once the container is obtained and the results are read, the container is removed from the docker environment.
- Returns:
result of the docker image
- Return type:
- is_docker_image_allowed(docker_image_name, task_info)#
Checks the docker image name.
Against a list of regular expressions as defined in the configuration file. If no expressions are defined, all docker images are accepted.
- Parameters:
docker_image_name (str) – uri to the docker image
task_info (dict) – Dictionary with information about the task
- Returns:
Whether docker image is allowed or not
- Return type:
- is_running(run_id)#
Check if a container is already running for <run_id>.
- Parameters:
run_id (int) – run_id of the algorithm container to be found
- Returns:
Whether or not algorithm container is running already
- Return type:
- kill_selected_tasks(org_id, kill_list=None)#
Kill tasks specified by a kill list, if they are currently running on this node
- Parameters:
org_id (int) – The organization id of this node
kill_list (list[ToBeKilled]) – A list of info about tasks that should be killed.
- Returns:
List with information on killed tasks
- Return type:
- kill_tasks(org_id, kill_list=None)#
Kill tasks currently running on this node.
- Parameters:
org_id (int) – The organization id of this node
kill_list (list[ToBeKilled] (optional)) – A list of info on tasks that should be killed. If the list is not specified, all running algorithm containers will be killed.
- Returns:
List of dictionaries with information on killed tasks
- Return type:
- link_container_to_network(container_name, config_alias)#
Link a docker container to the isolated docker network
- Parameters:
container_name (str) – Name of the docker container to be linked to the network
config_alias (str) – Alias of the docker container defined in the config file
- Return type:
- login_to_registries(registries=[])#
Login to the docker registries
- Parameters:
registries (list) – list of registries to login to
- Return type:
- run(run_id, task_info, image, docker_input, tmp_vol_name, token, databases_to_use)#
Checks if docker task is running. If not, creates DockerTaskManager to run the task
- Parameters:
run_id (int) – Server run identifier
task_info (dict) – Dictionary with task information
image (str) – Docker image name
docker_input (bytes) – Input that can be read by docker container
tmp_vol_name (str) – Name of temporary docker volume assigned to the algorithm
token (str) – Bearer token that the container can use
databases_to_use (list[str]) – Labels of the databases to use
- Returns:
Returns a tuple with the status of the task and a description of each port on the VPN client that forwards traffic to the algorithm container (
if VPN is not set up).- Return type:
TaskStatus, list[dict] | None
- class Result(run_id: int, task_id: int, logs: str, data: str, status: str, parent_id: int | None)#
Data class to store the result of the docker image.
- Variables:
run_id (int) – ID of the current algorithm run
logs (str) – Logs attached to current algorithm run
data (str) – Output data of the algorithm
status_code (int) – Status code of the algorithm run
7.1.4. vantage6.node.docker.task_manager#
- class DockerTaskManager(image, vpn_manager, node_name, run_id, task_info, tasks_dir, isolated_network_mgr, databases, docker_volume_name, alpine_image=None, proxy=None, device_requests=None)#
Manager for running a vantage6 algorithm container within docker.
Ensures that the environment is properly set up (docker volumes, directories, environment variables, etc). Then runs the algorithm as a docker container. Finally, it monitors the container state and can return it’s results when the algorithm finished.
- cleanup()#
Cleanup the containers generated for this task
- Return type:
- get_results()#
Read results output file of the algorithm container
- Returns:
Results of the algorithm container
- Return type:
- is_finished()#
Checks if algorithm container is finished
- Returns:
True if algorithm container is finished
- Return type:
- pull()#
Pull the latest docker image.
- report_status()#
Checks if algorithm has exited successfully. If not, it prints an error message
- Returns:
logs – Log messages of the algorithm container
- Return type:
- run(docker_input, tmp_vol_name, token, algorithm_env, databases_to_use)#
Runs the docker-image in detached mode.
It will will attach all mounts (input, output and datafile) to the docker image. And will supply some environment variables.
- Parameters:
docker_input (bytes) – Input that can be read by docker container
tmp_vol_name (str) – Name of temporary docker volume assigned to the algorithm
token (str) – Bearer token that the container can use
algorithm_env (dict) – Dictionary with additional environment variables to set
databases_to_use (list[str]) – List of labels of databases to use in the task
- Returns:
Description of each port on the VPN client that forwards traffic to the algo container. None if VPN is not set up.
- Return type:
list[dict] | None
7.1.5. vantage6.node.docker.vpn_manager#
- class VPNManager(isolated_network_mgr, node_name, node_client, vpn_volume_name, vpn_subnet, alpine_image=None, vpn_client_image=None, network_config_image=None)#
Setup a VPN client in a Docker container and configure the network so that the VPN container can forward traffic to and from algorithm containers.
- connect_vpn()#
Start VPN client container and configure network to allow algorithm-to-algoritm communication
- Return type:
- exit_vpn(cleanup_host_rules=True)#
Gracefully shutdown the VPN and clean up
- Parameters:
cleanup_host_rules (bool, optional) – Whether or not to clear host configuration rules. Should be True if they have been created at the time this function runs.
- Return type:
- forward_vpn_traffic(helper_container, algo_image_name)#
Setup rules so that traffic is properly forwarded between the VPN container and the algorithm container (and its helper container)
- Parameters:
algo_helper_container (Container) – Helper algorithm container
algo_image_name (str) – Name of algorithm image that is run
- Returns:
Description of each port on the VPN client that forwards traffic to the algo container. None if VPN is not set up.
- Return type:
list[dict] | None
- get_vpn_ip()#
Get VPN IP address in VPN server namespace
- Returns:
IP address assigned to VPN client container by VPN server
- Return type:
- has_connection()#
Return True if VPN connection is active
- Returns:
True if VPN connection is active, False otherwise
- Return type:
- static is_isolated_interface(ip_interface, vpn_ip_isolated_netw)#
Return True if a network interface is the isolated network interface. Identify this based on the IP address of the VPN client in the isolated network
- Parameters:
ip_interface (dict) – IP interface obtained by executing ip –json addr command
vpn_ip_isolated_netw (str) – IP address of VPN container in isolated network
- Returns:
True if this is the interface describing the isolated network
- Return type:
- send_vpn_ip_to_server()#
Send VPN IP address to the server
- Return type:
7.1.6. vantage6.node.docker.exceptions#
Below are some custom exception types that are raised when algorithms cannot be executed successfully.
- exception AlgorithmContainerNotFound#
Algorithm container was lost. Potentially running it again would resolve the issue.
- exception PermanentAlgorithmStartFail#
Algorithm failed to start and should not be attempted to be started again.
- exception UnknownAlgorithmStartFail#
Algorithm failed to start due to an unknown reason. Potentially running it again would resolve the issue.
7.1.7. vantage6.node.proxy_server#
This module contains a proxy server implementation that the node uses to communicate with the server. It contains general methods for any routes, and methods to handle tasks and results, including their encryption and decryption.
(!) Not to be confused with the squid proxy that allows algorithm containers to access other places in the network.
- decrypt_result(run)#
Decrypt the result from a run dictonary
- Parameters:
run (dict) – Run dict
- Returns:
Run dict with the result decrypted
- Return type:
- get_method(method)#
Obtain http method based on string identifier
- Parameters:
method (str) – Http method requested
- Returns:
HTTP method
- Return type:
- get_response_json_and_handle_exceptions(response)#
Obtain json content from request response
- Parameters:
response (requests.Response) – Requests response object
- Returns:
Dict containing the json body
- Return type:
dict | None
- make_proxied_request(endpoint)#
Helper to create proxies requests to the central server.
- Parameters:
endpoint (str) – endpoint to be reached at the vantage6 server
- Returns:
Response from the vantage6 server
- Return type:
- make_request(method, endpoint, json=None, params=None, headers=None)#
Make request to the central server
- Parameters:
method (str) – HTTP method to be used
endpoint (str) – endpoint of the vantage6 server
json (dict, optional) – JSON body
params (dict, optional) – HTTP parameters
headers (dict, optional) – HTTP headers
- Returns:
Response from the vantage6 server
- Return type:
- proxy(central_server_path)#
Generalized http proxy request
- Parameters:
central_server_path (str) – The endpoint on the server to be reached
- Returns:
Contains the server response
- Return type:
- proxy_result(id_)#
Obtain and decrypt all results to belong to a certain task
- Parameters:
id (int) – Task id from which the results need to be obtained
- Returns:
Reponse from the vantage6 server
- Return type:
- proxy_runs(id_)#
Obtain and decrypt the algorithm run from the vantage6 server to be used by an algorithm container.
- Parameters:
id (int) – Id of the run to be obtained
- Returns:
Response of the vantage6 server
- Return type:
- proxy_task()#
Proxy to create tasks at the vantage6 server
- Returns:
Response from the vantage6 server
- Return type:
7.1.8. vantage6.node.cli.node#
This contains the vnode-local
commands. These commands are similar
to the vnode
CLI commands, but they start up the node outside of a Docker
container, and are mostly intended for development purposes.
Some commands, such as vnode-local start
, are used within the Docker
container when vnode start
is used.
Command vnode-local.
vnode-local [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Print out the paths of important files.
If the specified configuration cannot be found, it exits. Otherwise it returns the absolute path to the output.
vnode-local files [OPTIONS]
- -n, --name <name>#
Configuration name
- --system#
Use configuration from system folders (default)
- --user#
Use configuration from user folders
Lists all nodes in the default configuration directories.
vnode-local list [OPTIONS]
Create a new configation file.
Checks if the configuration already exists. If this is not the case a questionaire is invoked to create a new configuration file.
vnode-local new [OPTIONS]
- -n, --name <name>#
Configuration name
- --system#
Use configuration from system folders (default)
- --user#
Use configuration from user folders
Start the node instance.
If no name or config is specified the default.yaml configuation is used. In case the configuration file not exists, a questionaire is invoked to create one.
vnode-local start [OPTIONS]
- -n, --name <name>#
Configuration name
- -c, --config <config>#
Absolute path to configuration-file; overrides “name”
- --system#
Use configuration from system folders (default)
- --user#
Use configuration from user folders
- --dockerized, -non-dockerized#
Whether to use DockerNodeContext or regular NodeContext (default)
Returns current version of vantage6 services installed.
vnode-local version [OPTIONS]