3.3. Deploy#

The vantage6 server is a Flask application, that uses python-socketio for socketIO connections. The server runs as a standalone process (listening on its own ip address/port).

There are many deployment options. We simply provide a few examples.


From version 3.2+ it is possible to horizontally scale the server (This upgrade is also made available to version 2.3.4)

Documentation on how to deploy it will be shared here soon. Reach out to us on Discord for now.

3.3.1. NGINX#

A basic setup is shown below. Note that SSL is not configured in this example.

server {

    # Public port
    listen 80;
    server_name _;

    # vantage6-server. In the case you use a sub-path here, make sure
    # to foward also it to the proxy_pass
    location /subpath {
        include proxy_params;

        # internal ip and port

    # Allow the websocket traffic
    location /socket.io {
        include proxy_params;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_buffering off;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";


When you Configure the server, make sure to include the /subpath that has been set in the NGINX configuration into the api_path setting (e.g. api_path: /subpath/api)

3.3.2. Azure app service#


We still have to document this. Reach out to us on Discord for now.