4.3. Install#

4.3.1. Local (test) Installation#

To install the vantage6 algorithm store, make sure you have met the requirements. Then, we provide a command-line interface (CLI) with which you can manage your algorithm store. The CLI is a Python package that can be installed using pip. We always recommend to install the CLI in a virtual environment or a conda environment.

Run this command to install the CLI in your environment:

pip install vantage6

Or if you want to install a specific version:

pip install vantage6==x.y.z

You can verify that the CLI has been installed by running the command v6 --help. If that prints a list of commands, the installation is completed.

The algorithm store software itself will be downloaded when you start the algorithm store for the first time.

4.3.2. Hosting your algorithm store#

To host your algorithm store, we recommend to use the Docker image we provide: harbor2.vantage6.ai/infrastructure/algorithm-store. Running this docker image will start the server. Check the deployment section for deployment examples.


We recommend to use the latest version. Should you have reasons to deploy an older VERSION, use the image harbor2.vantage6.ai/infrastructure/algorithm-store:<VERSION>.